Weebly was very easy and convenient  to use! The final outcome that i have got was great. I am extremely proud with all the work and effort i have made in this website. Since the beginning of the project I have photoshoped 3 images. 2 of which were used in the artist section as the image at the top and it gives the reader an idea of each artist. The other picture was for the Concert page. Photoshop wasn't so hard to use and i had no problems with creating my images. For the artists pictures, What i did was i got the logo of the 2 artists and got a picture of them and put them together in one as well as adding some effects to the colour and other things that enhance the look of the pictures like the brush tool, blur tool, sharpen tool, and smudge tool. In the website I included elements that weebly had to offer, like the slideshow and youtube video. 

Photoshoped Pictures

Zane Sharkawy
4/9/2013 09:12:29 pm

This website looks professional. The visuals are stunning, and your amount of information is amazing! I would recommend you buy the site to take away the .weebly part.


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