Please can you review my website.

1) How do you think my website looks? 
2) Which target audience does my website aim at? 
3) What features do you like about my website? 
4)What features would to change and Why? 
At school we were given the task of creating a website about anything we wanted but it has to include at least 4 pages with hyperlinks, images that were enhanced by photoshop and videos using weebly. Before we started there was a process we had to go through that then led us to the creation of the website. The first was the inquiry and analysis process where we had to research about similar websites to the ones we want to create and right whats good and bad about it. We also had to find out what the design problem was (like what are most common problems in the websites that have the same topic as yours) and we also had to write down a design brief. We then moved on to the developing ideas stage where we had to look at different designs on weebly and evaluate 3 and chose 1 as our final design. We then had to write down a specification on the different pages and their hyperlinks, images, videos etc...